Robin Wood Residential

This blog page is to show all of our wonderful experiences.

Monday, 31 October 2016

Infant Monster Fun

The children at the Infant site have had a fantastic time at their after school monster disco.  It was great to see all of the wonderfully creative costumes that the children wore.  It was also fantastic to see all of our very talented dancers - it was very hard to choose winners from each year group!  Well done everyone!

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Tesco Pumpkin Competition

Well done to all of the children who entered the pumpkin comoetition. Here are some photos of some children who designed winning entries. Thanks to Tesco for providing the pumpkins and we look forward to seeing the designs on display in the store.   

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Food Bank Donations

Thank you to Morrisons at J41 for the kind donation to the Barnsley Food bank.

EYFS & KS1 School Council

Say hello to our 2016/17 Infant School Councillors. These children will play a key part in the decision making process at the infant site over the next academic year. If you see their friendly faces, please make sure you say 'hello.'

Year 5 Visit Royal British Legion

Earlier this week, the Polar Bears and Giant Pandas had the opportunity to visit the Royal British Legion, in Penistone, to take part in the Remembrance Service. All the children honoured those who fell in the war by planting a poppy and a cross in their name. We were extremely grateful to take part in the service and we will wear our poppies with pride in November.

KS2 School Council

Say hello to our 2016/17 KS2 School Councillors. These children have been chosen because of their mature attitude and positive contributions towards school life. They will play a key part in directing the school in the right direction over the next academic year. If you see their friendly faces, please make sure you say 'hello.'

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Year 2 - The Koala Class - Little Red Riding Hood

The children in the Koala class in Year 2 have had an interesting couple of days retelling a well known story - Little Red Riding Hood.  

The children have looked at the story in detail and created freeze frames showing the different parts of the story.  

They were then able to say some wonderful sentences about what happens in the story and what each character might be thinking or feeling.  

I can't wait to read all of the children's stories on Friday!  

One sunny day, Little Red Riding Hood's Mother told her to take the basket of yummy goodies to her Grandma's house.

Suddenly, as Little Red was walking through the forest, a scary wolf jumped out at her!  "Shall we race to your Grandma's? asked the wolf.

When Little Red Riding Hood got to her Grandma's house, she saw her in bed.  "What big eyes you have Grandma!"

Then, the brave woodcutter heard Little Red Riding Hood scream and came to hers and Grannie's rescue!
Finally, they all celebrated and ate the goodies.

 Keep up the hard work Koalas!

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Infant Harvest Festival

It was lovely to see St John's church 'bursting at the seams' as parents and carers gathered together to watch the infant children perform their harvest service.

The children sang a selection of hymns and songs celebrating our bountiful harvest and gave thanks to God for his beautiful world. The dramatisation of 'The Enormous Turnip' highlighted the important message of how we can achieve so much more when we work together.

Thank you for all your generous donations for the Barnsley Foodbank and the monetary contributions for the church's harvest appeal. A great day was had by all, thank you!

The owls - numicon fun

Lots of fun playing a numicon game this morning.

The owls - magic maths!

Some fabulous independent maths thinking from one of the owls this afternoon in continuous provision.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Friday, 14 October 2016

Year 2 - Harvest Fun!

Children in Year 2 have had a fantastic afternoon learning all about Harvest Time.  We started our afternoon by discussing everything we new about Harvest and the children gave some great ideas.  Then... it was challenge time.  We needed to sort foods that we thought were harvested in the UK from the ones that weren't - it was tricky but the children did a great job!

Afterwards, we took part in a 'blind tasting' where some children had to guess what food they were tasting that had recently been harvested.  It was very interesting to see whether the children could guess correctly or not.  

Then everyone had a chance to try these harvest foods.

Finally, we talked about places in our world who are not as fortunate as we are, and the children offered some wonderful suggestions of how we could help.

We used all of our Harvest knowledge to create a Koala's Class Prayer.  The prayer is made up entirely of the children's ideas, and they did a brilliant job!

Keep up the hard work Year 2 - we are looking forward to Harvest Festival in Church on Tuesday!