Robin Wood Residential

This blog page is to show all of our wonderful experiences.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Year 1 Science Fun

Year One have had a fabulous time for Science day today!

The children have taken part in four different experiments, learning about different aspects of science.

With Miss White, the children experimented the reaction which occurs between different liquids. 

We mixed milk with food colouring to create milk paint and then looked at how washing up liquid reacted which was really interesting! We thought it would bubble, as it does with water, but instead it soaked up the fat, leaving the surface clear. 

We were fascinated by the barrier it created and that it looked as though
no other milk would go on top of it! 

With Mrs Morfitt, we looked again at reactions between liquid and made our own lava lamps. We added food colouring and alka seltzer to make fantastic fizzy bubbles!

We had a fantastic time with Mrs Stokoe looking at how we can make bubbles with different materials. 

With Mrs Lindley, we investigated the school grounds and looked for plants growing in unusual habitats. We hunted for the plants and then completed some observational drawings. 

It is safe to say we have had a fantastic science and fun filled day!